Technology connections
Chapter 1 - Science of Physics |
Active noise cancellation
Design principles for the solar power installation on a house
Digital cameras, additive primary colors, and 2563 colors
Energy technology and you
Hexadecimal RGB colors for web pages
How a photovoltaic cell works
Intersecting science, technology, engineering and mathematics
Optical fibers
Physics knowledge needed for flying an aircraft
Quantum physics and modern technology
Subtractive primary colors (CMYK)
What technology means
Chapter 2 - Physical Quantities and Measurement |
Estimating beyond the smallest gradation
Metric and English systems of measurement
Screw threads: English and metric
Chapter 3 - Position and Velocity |
Global positioning satellites and devices
Laser cutting tool uses (x, y) coordinates on its work stage
Maps are a two-dimensional coordinate grid
Speedometers read instantaneous speed
Chapter 4 - Acceleration |
Parachutes and terminal velocity
Chapter 5 - Forces and Newton’s Laws |
Coefficients of sliding friction for various surfaces
Compression, extension, and torsion springs
Friction and braking systems
Loose and stiff springs and a car's suspension
Lubrication technology
Chapter 6 - Motion in Two and Three Dimensions |
Coordinates for the laser position in a cutting machine
Driverless vehicles
Laws about autonomous vehicle technology
Reading a compass
Chapter 7 - Circular Motion |
Designing the trajectory of a spacecraft's flight to Saturn
Satellite orbits
Satellites, both natural and man-made
Three generations of Mars-bound spacecraft
Why did old bicycles have such large wheels?
Chapter 8 - Static Equilibrium and Torque |
Foot-pound and pound-foot in technology
Chapter 9 - Work and Energy |
Batteries and electrical power
Breaking distance of a car
Energy Star program
Energy content of everyday goods
Energy flow in clothing manufacture
Energy guide labels for appliances
Everyday objects that store energy
Everyday technology in our age of energy
Geothermal power generation
Home electricity bills
Hydroelectric power from dams
Nuclear power from fusion and fission reactions
Objects with elastic potential energy
Power in everyday technology
Power, wattage, and the light bulb
Radiant power and the light bulb
Solar power from photovoltaic cells
Technology and agriculture over the last century
Tidal energy
Wind power from turbines
Chapter 10 - Conservation of Energy |
Anti-lock brakes and the work-energy theorem
Brake fade and glazing in automobile brakes
Efficiency in technology
Energy transformations in an internal combustion (piston) engine
Hydroelectric dam
Chapter 11 - Momentum and Collisions |
Car Airbags and Impulse
Improving football helmets
Rocket propulsion in a vacuum
Seat belts and airbags
Chapter 12 - Machines |
A pulley changes the direction of a force
Advantages of wind power
Applying torque to the axle to turn a bicycle's wheel
Balloon-borne wind turbines
Claw hammer as a lever for removing nails
Gear ratios for typical road bikes
Gears in an automobile transmission
How a bicycle works
How a crane works
Low duty cycle of wind turbines
Mechanical advantage of a bicycle
Nutcracker as a lever for breaking shells
Why bicycles no longer have large front wheels
Chapter 13 - Angular Momentum |
How a gyroscope works
MEMS vibrating structure gyroscopes in consumer electronics
Precession of a gyroscope
Chapter 14 - Harmonic Motion |
Engineering tradeoffs between stability and maneuverability
Feedback and stability for aircraft
Natural frequencies of some everyday objects
Resonance in a swing
Resonance, energy, and technology
Chapter 15 - Waves |
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
X-ray images
Chapter 16 - Sound |
Applications of active noise cancellation
Audio compression
Interpreting a soundtrack
Microphones and sound recording
Recording and playback of digital sound
The musical scale
Touch-tone frequency encoding on a phone
Wavelength of sound in technology and musical instruments
Chapter 17 - Electricity and Circuits |
Circuit breakers in household electrical systems
Fuses in household circuits
Household and car batteries
How an alkaline battery works
Using a digital multimeter
What a light switch does
Chapter 18 - Electric and Magnetic Fields |
Capacitors are devices to store electric charge
Cars and lightning strikes
Charged parallel plates create a uniform electric field for focusing beam in a CRT
Computer cable shielding
How a compass works
How a laser printer works
Magnetic north and compasses
Magnets in our daily lives
Chapter 19 - Electromagnetism |
Cathode-ray tube (CRT)
Components of the electric motor
Computer memory uses electromagnetism
Determining the cyclotron radius for ions in a mass spectrometer
Electric generators
Electric motors
Electric motors work through magnetic forces
Mass spectrometers use the magnetic force on a moving charged particle
Moving-coil microphones
Operating a hybrid car
Superconductivity and superconducting magnets
Velocity selector in a mass spectrometer
Chapter 20 - Light and Reflection |
Diverging and converging mirrors
How a pinhole camera works
Making a mirror by silvering the backside of glass
Reflection off a scanning mirror in a laser printer
Spherical mirrors
Chapter 21 - Refraction and Lenses |
Binoculars use lenses and prisms to create a magnified, upright image
Compound microscope uses multiple lenses to create a magnified image
Diopters measure the curvature of correcting lenses
Grazing incidence mirrors for x-ray telescopes
Laser eye surgery
Optical fibers and total internal reflection
Radio telescopes
Single-lens reflex (SLR) camera uses lenses, pentaprism, and flip mirror
Tube lengths and eye relief distances in microscope design
Chapter 22 - Electromagnetic Radiation |
Devices that use radio waves and microwaves
Diffraction gratings
Diffraction limited resolution of telescopes
Diffraction through novelty transmission gratings
Fiber optics and internal reflection
Frequencies for communication and mobile phone technology
How amplitude modulated (AM) radio works
Medical imaging at x-ray and gamma-ray wavelengths
Photons as particles in communications technology
Polarizing filters in sunglasses and cameras
Silicon in charge-coupled devices (CCDs) use the photoelectric effect
Solar energy density on Earth
Thermal imaging cameras for home energy audits and infrared goggles
Thermal imaging cameras for home energy audits, infrared goggles, and weather satellites
Chapter 23 - Properties of Matter |
Calories on food labels
Converting units and understanding energy content from food
Energy transformations in technology usually produce heat
How transistors work and are used in electronics devices
Chapter 24 - Heat Transfer |
Color temperature and compact fluorescent bulbs
Heat transfer for a solar thermal energy collector
Heating systems use convection
How vacuum or Thermos® bottles work
Thermal conductivity in technology
Chapter 25 - Thermodynamics |
How four-stroke engines operate
Invention of the internal combustion engine
Modern refrigerators use a two-phase cycle
Newcomen steam engine
Watts's improved steam engine
Chapter 26 - Quantum Physics and the Atom |
Pulse oximeter and pulse monitor use infrared technology
Spectrograph is an instrument for dispersing light into its wavelengths
What makes a Crooke's radiometer spin?
Chapter 27 - Nuclear Physics |
Carbon dating
Design of a nuclear power plant
Detecting radioactivity with a Geiger counter
Magnetic resonance imaging
Nuclear medicine. Radiotherapy to cancer in humans
Positron emission tomography (PET)
Radiometric dating
Smoke detector and alpha-decay
Using lasers to detect gravitational waves