The image in a flat mirror is a life-size, undistorted “picture” of the original object. The image in a curved mirror may be upside-down, magnified, or distorted in other ways. The simplest curved mirror to analyze has the shape of a section of a sphere. Think of a shiny, hollow ball—and then cut off a piece of it. A convex mirror has a reflecting surface that bulges outward. A concave mirror has a reflecting surface that cups inward, like a bowl.
Reflection in spherical mirrors
The reflecting surface of a spherical mirror is a segment of the surface of a sphere. The center of curvature of the mirror is the center of the sphere. The radius of curvature of the mirror is the radius of the sphere.
The law of reflection applies to reflection from a curved surface. The normal, however, has a different direction at each location on the surface. The normal to any point on the surface of a spherical mirror is a radial line that goes from the center of curvature through that point. In the figure at right, an incident ray striking the mirror at an angle of 25° to the normal reflects at an angle of 25° on the opposite side of the normal.
Consider the same series of parallel light rays incident upon two different spherical mirrors. The reflected rays from the convex mirror diverge from each other. A convex mirror is therefore called a diverging mirror. The side rear-view mirrors on a car are slightly convex. The divergence provides a wider field of view compared to a flat mirror, causing objects to look farther away than they actually are.
The reflected rays from the concave mirror come together or converge with each other. A concave mirror is a converging mirror. The focusing mirror of a solar oven is a converging mirror. Large astronomical telescopes use concave mirrors. The ability to see distant objects depends on collecting as much light as possible. It is far easier to create a large-diameter, optically perfect mirror than it is to make an optically perfect lens of equal size.
Look at the diverging mirror figure above: The reflected light rays appear to diverge from a point half-way between the mirror and the center of curvature C. Similarly, the reflected light rays for the converging mirror appear to converge to a point half-way between the mirror and C. That location is called the focal point—the location where incident light rays, parallel to the optical axis, are focused.
A curved lens is part of a sphere with a diameter of 3 m. How far from the lens is the center of curvature? - 1.5 meters
- 3 meters
- 4.5 meters
- 6 meters
The correct answer is a. The center of curvature is the center of the sphere. All points of a sphere lie at the distance of the radius from the center. The length of the radius is half the length of the diameter.