
absolute pressure         674
absolute zero         665
    and entropy     734
    of waves     423
AC (alternating current)         499
    g-force     104
    as rate of change in velocity     109
    calculating in problems     110
    centripetal     209
    constant     107
    definition of     106
    equation for     106
    equation for position     113
    graphical model for constant     107
    graphical model of constant     114
    in free fall     120
    interactive simulation     114
    of a car     106
    on motion graphs     107
    sign of     109
    the meaning of     108
    vector     179
accommodation, in the eye         623
accuracy         48
action–reaction         145
active noise cancellation         462
additive color model (RGB)         23
adiabatic process         741
aerospace engineering         679
agriculture and energy         267
    density     43
air bags         304
air resistance
    causes of     157
    in free fall     123
airfoil         679
algebra         59
    solving equations     60
alkaline battery         477
alpha decay         798
alpha particles         754
Alpher, Ralph         16
Altaeros Energies—wind turbines         354
alternating current (AC)         499
    specific heat     670
Alvarez, Luis         16
Alvarez, Walter         16
AM (amplitude modulation) in radio         654
americium         805
ammeter         482
ammeter (cont.)
ampere, or amp (A)         472
    unit of electric current     264
    definition of     392
    of a wave     412
    of sound waves     442
anecdotal evidence         25
angle of incidence         592
    in refraction     608
angle of reflection         592
angle of refraction         608
angular momentum         364
angular velocity
    definition of     206
    sign of     206
Annus mirabilis (year of miracles)         2
Anthony, Susan B.         330
anti-lock brakes system (ABS)         289
antimatter         814
antineutrino         757
antinodes         457
antiquarks         814
architecture and physics         269
    on velocity vs. time graph     81
    surface     43
    four elements     44
armature, of an electric motor         553
Asimov, Isaac         750
    near-Earth     16
asteroid impact theory         16
astigmatism         624
Aswan High Dam         291
atmospheric carbon dioxide         696
atmospheric heat transfer         712
    concept of     9
    number in one gram of hydrogen      666
    structure of     752
atomic mass unit         792
atomic number         753
average thermal speed         683
average velocity         82
Avogadro, Amadeo         666
Avogadro’s number         666
axis of rotation         364

Bach, Johann Sebastian
    equal temperament tuning     461
ballistic carts
    interactive simulation     314
Balmer series, in hydrogen spectrum         765

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