
Junger, Sebastian of The Perfect Storm         408

Kao, Charles         655
kB (Boltzmann’s constant)         666
ke (Coulomb constant)         524
Keck Telescopes         604
Kelvin temperature scale         665
Kepler, Johannes         220
    interactive simulation of sound from     8
keys—in musical scales         461
kilocalorie         669
    definition of     40
kilowatt-hour (kWh)         496
    unit of energy     255
kinetic energy
    and work–energy theorem     287
    equation for     256
    of rotation     376
kinetic friction         154
kinetic theory of matter         666
Kirchhoff, Gustav Robert         492
Kirchhoff’s laws
    first law (current)     489
    second law (voltage)     493

L (angular momentum)         368
Large Hadron Collider (LHC)         567
laser         750
    conservation of energy     279
law if inertia         140
law of conservation of momentum         313
law of Dulong and Petit         686
law of reflection         592
Lemaitre, George         16
lemon battery         478
length         38
    definition of     42
lens         584
    converging lens     612
    diverging lens     612
    image and object distances     617
    ray tracing     615
lepton number         757
leptons         814
Leucippus, and the atom         752
    arm     236
    as simple machine     333
    definition of     335
    investigations with     334
    see-saw example     238
lever (cont.)
    three classes of     336
    as energy     265
    as oscillation in the electromagnetic field     632
    CMYK color model     23
    coherent     647
    diffraction patterns     645
    dispersed by prism     21
    energy per frequency     649
    explanation for rainbows     21
    frequency shift in relativistic motion     93
    monochromatic and polychromatic     645
    photon theory     649
    polarization     644
    rays     579
    RGB color model     21
    RGB color model, definition of     23
light sources
    safety     52
light year         42
limitations of science         11
line of action         169
line spectra         764
    in structures     243
Lippershey, Hans—first telescope         604
    phase of matter     667
liter         43
logic         13
longitudinal waves         416
    due to friction     284
loudness         440
loudspeaker, as electromagnetic an device         564
lubrication         154
luminosity L         581
luminous intensity         581
lunar eclipse         580
Lyman series, in hydrogen spectrum         765

macroscopic scale         44
magenta         23
    in technology     510
magnetic declination         515
magnetic field         514
    equation for a straight wire     563
    in a mass spectrometer     562
    interactive simulation     516
    of a current carrying wire     548
magnetic field lines         514
magnetic flux, though a loop         556
magnetic force         511

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