Chapter study guide

Physics is a study of the structure and interactions of matter and energy. Physics is concerned with fundamental rules for how matter interacts, so it typically deals with systems less complex than those addressed by either chemistry or biology. Inquiry lies at the heart of scientific methods, which test hypotheses and predictions against experimental data. The science of physics is closely linked to mathematics, engineering design principles, and the development of technology. Prominent historical and contemporary scientists have impacted both scientific thought and society in general.

By the end of this chapter you should be able to
describe the major topic areas of physics and provide several real-world examples of each;
describe the scientific method and provide examples;
describe the impacts of a number of scientists on scientific thought and society;
draw inferences from data to evaluate promotional claims;
provide examples of the overlaps among physics, technology, engineering, and mathematics;
draw connections between physics and careers; and
describe the design parameters, and their trade-offs, for a household solar power installation.

1A: Forces and motion
1B: Musical sounds
1C: RGB color matching
Design project: Solar power

4Science of physics
5Forces, motion, and energy
61A: Graphs of motion
7Waves, sound, and light
81B: Musical sounds
9From electromagnetism to the atom
10Section 1 review
11Nature of science
12Scientific research and experiments
13Scientific logic
14Scientific analysis
15Uncertainties in measurement
16Impacts of scientists on science and society
17Section 2 review
18Connecting physics to technology and engineering
21Light, color, and perception
221C: RGB color matching
23Additive and subtractive primary colors
24Connections between physics and careers
25Evaluating promotional claims
26Study skills
27Photovoltaic cells: Solar energy and the physics behind it
28Photovoltaic cells: the technology of solar power
29Design project: Solar power
30Section 3 review
31Chapter review
No equations are presented in this chapter.
atomquantum physicshypothesis
experimentscientific methodquantitative
additive primary colors (RGB)subtractive primary colors (CMYK)photovoltaic cell

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