Chapter 1 review

    Match each word to the sentence where it best fits.
      Section 1.1

      energy matter
      information force
      frequency wave
      atom quantum physics
      1. In order for a car to stop, its brakes must apply a/an _______ to the wheels.

      2. The stuff that makes up our bodies is called _______.

      3. _______ is the field of study dealing with physical phenomena at the atomic and subatomic scale.

      4. The basketball bounced up and down with a/an _______ of once every two seconds.

      5. The arrangement of letters on this page and the black dots of ink that comprise them convey _______.

      6. The smallest quantity of hydrogen is a/an _______.

      7. A battery converts chemical _______ into electrical _______.

      8. Moving one end of a bed sheet repeatedly up and down causes a/an _______ to travel across the length of the sheet.

      Section 1.2

      hypothesis theory
      objectivity reproducibility
      experiment scientific method
      1. The steps of identifying a problem, suggesting a possible answer, predicting the observable effects whether or not the answer is correct, constructing an experiment to test the possible answer, and then evaluating the results are all part of the _______.

      2. Various scientific advances of the early 20th century led to the quantum _______ of how matter behaves at the subatomic level.

      3. How would you disprove the _______ that the Earth is flat?

      4. If there are many unpredictable forces and energies affecting your laboratory equipment, then it is very difficult to perform a controlled _______.

      1. When Donald wrote in his laboratory notebook his personal feelings about whether or not the gravitational force should exist, he had lost his _______ about the scientific topic.

      2. When Max was able to describe his experiment so thoroughly that Maurice could get the same results, Max’s experiments now had _______.

      Section 1.3

      additive primary colors (RGB) quantitative
      qualitative engineering
      technology photovoltaic cell
      subtractive primary colors (CMYK) 
      1. Examples of a/an _______ observation are 37 m, 9.37 s, and 100 mph.

      2. Examples of _______ include a software program, an electronic device, or a fabrication process.

      3. The _______ process may involve taking a set of physical principles to design and construct a device subject to a series of constraints.

      4. A computer monitor combines the _______ to create any color in the rainbow.

      5. Sunlight is converted into electricity using a/an _______.

      6. Examples of a/an _______ observation are bluish, wet, and coarse.

      7. The bluish green light reflected off the wall was created through a/an _______ process.

      Conceptual questions
        Section 1.1
        1. An investigation uses a motion-sensing car to collect data. Which of the following is most likely to come first in the procedure?
          1. Move the car with your hand.
          2. Start the data collection system running.
          3. Compare the data with your actual motion.

        2. Describe three ways in which you exerted forces earlier today to cause motion.

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