
frequency (cont.)
    of AC electricity     499
    of guitar string     429
    of sound     440
    spectrum     440
frequency modulation (FM)         390
frequency spectrum         450
frets on a guitar         438
    and Newton’s first law     140
    causes of     152
    damping in oscillators     392
    definition of     152
    experimental determination of     155
    from air resistance     157
    on inclined plane     194
    rolling     156
    sliding or kinetic     154
    static     153
    terminal velocity     123
frictional losses         284
fulcrum         335
fundamental quantities         38
fundamental units         38
    symbol     473
fuse, electrical         496
fusion, nuclear         805
    and the Sun     807
    energy from     809
    reaction     788

g (acceleration in free fall)         120
G (gravitational constant)         214
g-force         104
    centrifugal effect     210
    in collisions     311
Galilei, Galileo         108
    and the telescope     604
    and the Tower of Pisa “experiment”     280
    discovery of Jupiter’s moons     220
    experiments with ramps     191
gallon         43
Galvani, Luigi         499
galvanometer         565
gamelan, instrument         438
gamma decay         798
gamma rays         641
    phase of matter     667
gauge pressure         674
Gaussian lens formula         617
Gay-Lussac, Joseph         674
Gay-Lussac’s law         674
gears         343
geiger counter         813
Geiger, Hans         754
Gell-Mann, Murray         790
general relativity         221
generator, electric         558
Glashow, Sheldon         800
global positioning system (GPS)         68
    density     50
    definition of     40
grand unified theories (GUTs)         815
    axes     55
    definition of     55
    position vs. time     80
    pressure vs. volume (PV)     738
    scale     55
    velocity vs. time     81
    model     80
    field     526
    potential energy     257
    waves     814
gravitons         814
gravity         213
greenhouse gases         720
ground state (of an atom)         763
guitar         438
gyroscope         362

h (Planck’s constant)         649
Hahn, Otto         806
half-life         801
    of carbon-14     802
    of fluorine-18     812
hammer, as a lever         336
harmonic motion         388
harmonics         459
harmony, in sound         456
heat         669
heat engine         736
    Carnot cycle efficiency     743
    efficiency of     740
heat sinks         703
heat sources
    safety     52
heat transfer         699
    coefficient h     710
    conduction     700
    convection     701
    radiation     702
Heisenberg, Werner         777
    uncertainty principle     777

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