
ethics and science         11
evaporation         667
event horizon         223
    anecdotal     25
    scientific     12
excited state (of an atom)         763
expansion, thermodynamic process         729
experiment         12
experimental variable         55
    in scientific notation     45
    negative in scientific notation     45
extrasolar planets         5
    interactive simulation     219
eyepiece lens         620

Fahrenheit temperature scale         665
farad (F), unit of capacitance         536
Faraday cage         529
Faraday, Michael         529
Faraday’s law         557
farsightedness         624
Federal Highway Association         211
Federal Trade Commission (FTC)         25
Fermi, Enrico         800
fermions         814
Ferris wheel         365
ferromagnetism         517
Feynmann diagram         778
Feynmann, Richard         778
fiber optics
    optical fibers     609
    definition of     513
    electric     526
    gravitational     513
    magnetic field     514
field work
    safety     52
fins, to enhance convection         710
first law
    Newton’s laws     140
    of thermodynamics     290
fission         805
fission reaction         806
flight         679
fluid         673
focal length
    of a lens     611
    of curved mirror     597
focal point
    of a lens     611
    of curved mirror     597
foot-pound, English unit of work         236
force         5
    action–reaction and gravity     214
    action–reaction pairs     145
    air resistance     123
    as agent of energy transfer     290
    between charges—Coulomb’s law     524
    between electric charges     521
    calculating components     171
    calculating motion through second law     142
    centripetal     209
    components     170
    contact and noncontact     513
    definition of     132
    exerted by springs     147
    force vector     137
    gravitational     214
    Hooke’s law     147
    in simple machines     332
    in the atom     756
    input and output     333
    lift forces in flight     679
    line of action     169
    net force     137
    normal forces     134
    of weight     133
    on a charge in a magnetic field     561
    on a current in a magnetic field     564
    on an inclined plane     192
    on free-body diagram     134
    on sails     130
    periodic forces     401
    rate of change of momentum     308
    reaction     145
    reactions in structures     244
    resolution into components     170
    resultant vector     169
forced convection         701
Fosbury, Dick—the Fosbury flop         372
four forces of nature         757
    four fundamental interactions     815
Fourier’s theorem         451
frame of reference         85
Franklin, Benjamin         470
free convection         701
free fall
    definition of     120
    downward problems     121
    upward problems     122
free length of a spring         149
free-body diagram
    definition of     134
    drawing     174
    outline vs. point mass method     136
    definition of     390
    of a wave     412

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