
circuit breaker         496
circular motion         206
    interactive simulation     208
circular wave         418
classical physics         776
climate change         719
clipper ships         130
closed circuit         473
closed system         278
    as an approximation     284
CMYK color model         23
    drag     157
    in scientific notation     45
    of kinetic (sliding) friction     154
    of rolling friction     156
    of static friction     153
    static friction     153
coherent light         647
coil, in an electromagnet         549
    g-forces     311
    definition of     318
    elastic     321
    inelastic     319
    interactive simulation     320
    two-dimensional     323
    and energy of light     265
    blindness     624
    perception of     21
    temperature     716
commutator         553
compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs         266
    and magnetic field     514
    directions positive and negative     72
    headings     177
    reading a     177
component forces         170
compound machine         350
compound optics         620
    binoculars     621
    correction of human vision     624
    interactive simulation of image formation     622
    interactive simulation of vision correction     624
    microscope     621
    SLR camera     621
    telescope     620
compressibility         674
compression, thermodynamic process         729
Compton scattering         775
Compton, Arthur         653
concave lens         612
concave mirror         596
    interactive simulation of image formation     598
Concorde, supersonic aircraft         445
condensation         667
    heat transfer     700
    electrical     485
    thermal     700
conservation laws
    angular momentum     368
    baryon number     279
    energy     279
    lepton number     279
    momentum     313
conservation of energy
    and work done     286
    in an open system     290
    in fluids—Bernoulli’s equation     678
    in height changes     281
    in inclined plane (interactive simulation)     283
    including frictional losses     284
    with springs     282
constant acceleration         107
constant speed         77
    on velocity vs. time graph     81
constant speed or velocity
    as zero acceleration     107
constructive interference         426
continuum spectrum         767
control rods         810
    interactive simulation of nuclear reactor     811
controlled variable         55
convection         701
converging lens         612
conversion factors         54
converting units         54
    time     46
convex lens         612
    interactive simulation of ray tracing     616
convex mirror         596
    interactive simulation of image formation     598
    xy     74
    Cartesian     177
    compass     177
    polar     177
Copernicus, Nicolaus         220
copper         485
coronal mass ejection         508
correspondence principle         776
    trigonometric function     171
cosmology         94
coulomb (C), unit of charge         520
Coulomb, Charles-Augustin         520
Coulomb’s law         524
Cowan, Clyde         800

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