
musical instruments         457
    design your own     460
    equal temperament tuning     461
    guitar     459
    organ     457
    piano     459
musical scale
    and the guitar     438
musical sounds         459

Nader, Ralph         304
nanomotors         551
National Building Code         150
natural frequency
    definition of     398
    of a vibrating string     428
    of mass and spring     400
nearsightedness         624
    position     70
net force
    definition of     137
net torque         237
neutral, zero net electric charge         521
neutrino         757
    antineutrino     757
    electron, tau, and muon neutrinos     753
neutron         752
    star, density of     43
Newcomen, Thomas—first steam engine         728
newton (N), unit of force         132
Newton, Isaac         108
newton-meter         255
    unit of torque     236
    unit of impulse     309
Newton’s cradle         322
Newton’s law of cooling         699
Newton’s laws
    first law     140
    second law     141
    second law, interactive simulation     144
    third law     145
    magnetic properties     517
nickel metal hydride (NiMH) batteries         568
night vision technology         702
nodes         457
    in ray tracing     592
normal force         134
notes in a musical scale         461
nuclear energy         810
nuclear fusion         788
nuclear reaction         804
nuclear reaction (cont.)
    and energy     806
    equations     804
nuclear stability         795
nuclear waste         810
nucleon         791
nucleus         752
nutcracker, as a lever         336

object distance
    for a mirror     593
    of a lens     617
objective lens         620
objectivity         12
Oersted (Ørsted), Hans Christian         548
Ohm, Georg Simon         480
ohm, unit of resistance         480
ohmmeter         482
Ohm’s law         480
oil drop experiment, Millikan’s         531
opacity         588
open circuit         473
open system         278
Opportunity, Mars rover         225
optical fibers         7
    in communications technology     655
optical technology
    binoculars     621
    digital cameras     652
    microscope     621
    SLR camera     621
    telescope     620
optics         611
optometry         24
    equation for     216
    geostationary     218
    interactive simulation     217
    meaning of     213
    Moon     215
    of a satellite     215
    of planets in Solar System     217
    orbital velocities     217
    planets     215
    polar     218
    radius of     216
origin         70
    amplitude of     392
    definition of     388
    mass on a spring     391
    pendulum     391
Otto engine         291
Otto, Nikolaus         291
    internal combustion engine     726

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