
simple machine (cont.)
    definition of     332
    efficiency of     341
    gears     343
    in the human body     351
    lever     335
    ramp     345
    screw     348
    wedge     347
    wheel and axle     342
Simpson, Homer         276
simultaneity         94
    trigonometric function     171
    wave     425
single lens reflex (SLR) camera         621
singularity         223
Siple, Paul—and wind chill index         711
size         42
sliding friction         154
    as acceleration     107
    negative     80
    on position vs. time graph     80
smart grid         269
Smith, George—invention of the CCD         652
Smoot, George         16
Snell’s law of refraction         608
Solar Dynamics Observatory         508
solar eclipse         580
solar ovens         576
solar power         27
    efficiency     294
    interactive simulation     29
Solar radiation spectrum         649
solar storms         508
solenoid         549
    phase of matter     667
solving equations         60
sonic booms         445
sound         440
    attack and decay times     459
    beats     456
    digital recording of     449
    Doppler effect     446
    echoes and reverberation     455
    frequency and wavelength     443
    information content of     452
    interactive simulation of multifrequency     450
    interference     455
    is a wave of pressure     442
    loudness     444
    musical scale     461
    musical sound and harmonics     459
    safety     52
sound (cont.)
    spectrum analyzer     453
    speed of     442
    ultrasound     443
    waveform     449
    contraction in special relativity     93
    distance between two points     70
    nature of     42
Space Shuttle         217
space weather         508
    Chandra X-ray Observatory (CXO)     620
    Hubble Space Telescope (HST)     215
    Huygens space probe     662
    International Space Station (ISS)     215
    Solar Dynamics Observatory     508
    Space Shuttle     217
    MER Delta II launch     224
    orientation by gyroscope     362
spacetime         94
    in general relativity     222
special relativity         91
specific heat         670
    molar     670
    of common substances     670
    of ideal gas     685
specific heat of a solid, from kinetic theory         686
spectral line         767
spectrogram         452
spectrograph         648
spectrometer         767
specular reflection         585
speed         76
    absolute value of velocity     77
    constant speed     77
    equation for     76
    miles per hour     76
    of a wave     413
    of light, c     91
    of sound     442
spherical mirror         596
Spirit, Mars rover         225
    conservation of energy     282
    constant     147
    elastic potential energy     259
    free length     149
    interactive simulation of oscillating     395
    types and definition     147
square wave         451
    aircraft flight     389
    and harmonic motion     389
standard model         814
standard temperature and pressure (STP)         677

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