
transformer, electrical         559
transistor         688
translation, in motion         364
translucency         588
transparency         588
transverse waves         415
trash         296
triceps muscle         351
triple beam balance         40
trough of a wave         418
    in structures     243
tuned mass damper         386
tuning         398

U.S. Department of Energy         546
ultrasound         443
ultraviolet light         642
    in measurement     15
    principle     777
units         38
    base     38
    converting     54
    converting in problems     90
    English system     42
    for speed     90
    fundamental     38
    in equations     90
    in Newton’s second law     141
    metric (SI) system     42
    of acceleration     106
    of angular momentum     367
    of electric charge     520
    of impulse     309
    of measurement     39
    of momentum     306
    of torque     236
universal law of gravitation         214
    and Newton     213
    definition of     4
uranium         802

vacuum permeability         563
    in unit of measure     39
Van de Graaff generator         519
van der Meer, Simon         800
van der Waals forces         667
    controlled     55
    definition of     55
    dependent     12
variable (cont.)
    experimental     55
    independent     12
    response     55
    subscripts     55
    subscripts     87
vector         71
    acceleration     179
    adding and subtracting vectors by components     172
    adding by graphical method     74
    adding by numerical method     74
    Cartesian coordinates     177
    definition of     168
    diagram     168
    displacement     176
    force     137
    magnitude     71
    model     176
    momentum     307
    momentum in 2D collision     323
    multiplying vectors     172
    navigation     178
    polar coordinates     177
    radial     209
    tangential     209
    velocity components     180
    adding velocity vectors     181
    angular     206
    average and instantaneous     82
    defining direction of     77
    defining equation     76
    definition of     76
    escape     223
    frames of reference     85
    graphical model for     81
    graphical model of constant     84
    in acceleration motion     112
    in projectile motion     187
    in rolling motion     207
    interactive simulation     84
    orbital velocity of planets     217
    polar coordinates     180
    solving the equation     79
    vector     179
    vector components     180
    vector model for     181
velocity vs. time graph         81
Very Large Array (VLA) radio telescope         620
virtual image         614
viscosity         157
visible light         641
volt (V)
    and energy in batteries     264
    definition of     475

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