Chapter study guide

Temperature measures the kinetic energy in random motion of atoms or molecules. Units of temperature are degrees Celsius (ºC), degrees Fahrenheit (ºF), and kelvins (K). Heat is the total thermal energy in a quantity of matter. The specific heat of a substance describes its thermal energy per unit mass per degree. Forces in fluids act through pressure. Pressure has units of pascals (N/m2) and pounds per square inch (psi or lb/in2). Weight creates hydrostatic pressure both within the atmosphere and beneath the surface of water. Bernoulli’s equation relates pressure, volume, and height in a moving fluid. The pressure, volume, and temperature of a gas are related by the ideal gas law. The kinetic theory of matter relates the microscopic interactions of atoms to macroscopic properties such as pressure and temperature. The ideal gas law and the concept of specific heat are explained by the kinetic theory.

By the end of this chapter you should be able to
distinguish between temperature and heat;
convert between Fahrenheit and Celsius temperatures;
describe how the particle nature of matter explains temperature;
explain why the phases of matter occur at different temperatures;
use the ideal gas law to calculate pressure, volume, or temperature;
calculate thermal energy of a substance using its specific heat;
calculate pressure underwater from depth;
use Bernoulli's equation to explain fluid effects; and
explain key concepts of the kinetic theory of matter.

23A: Phases of matter
23B: Specific heat
23C: Pressure of an ideal gas
664Temperature and heat
665Temperature scales
666Kinetic theory of matter
667Phases of matter
66823A: Phases of matter
669Heat and thermal energy
670Specific heat
67123B: Specific heat of water and steel
672Section 1 review
673Fluid dynamics
674The gas laws
675The ideal gas law
67623C: Pressure of an ideal gas
677Density and hydrostatic pressure
678Bernoulli’s equation
679Applications of Bernoulli’s equation
680Section 2 review
681Kinetic theory of matter
682Maxwellian distribution
683Thermal speed
684Kinetic theory and the ideal gas law
685Specific heat of an ideal gas
686Specific heat of a solid
688Diodes and transistors
689Section 3 review
690Chapter review
T C = 5 9 ( T F 32 )
N A =6.022× 10 23
E= 3 2 k B T
Q=m c p ΔT
P= F A
T F = 9 5 T C +32
PV=N k B T
ρ= m V P=ρgd
T K = T C +273.15
ρgh+ 1 2 ρ v 2 +P=constant v th = 3 k B T m gas:   c v = 3 2 N A k B m mol solid:   c p = 3 N A k B m mol
temperatureBrownian motionthermometerCelsius scale
Fahrenheit scaleabsolute zeroKelvin scaleAvogadro’s number
molekinetic theoryBoltzmann’s constantphases of matter
thermal energycalorieCaloriespecific heat
Boyle’s lawCharles’s lawideal gasideal gas law
densityBernoulli’s equationstreamlinestatistical mechanics
Maxwellian distribution

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