Quantum numbers

Erwin Schrödinger proposed the fundamental equation of quantum mechanics in 1926. When Schrödinger’s equation is applied to the atom, the result is a family of different solutions. Each solution corresponds to one allowable quantum state for an electron and is characterized by four quantum numbers. Each quantum state in the atom has a unique “quantum address” of the four quantum numbers, n, l, m, and s. The principal quantum number n is the one that appears in Balmer’s formula. Read the text aloud
Think of an atom like a multilevel theater where each seat can hold up to one person. The best seats are closest to the stage but there are a limited number. The quantum numbers are the address code for each seat. The principal quantum number n tells you the row. The last number, s, tells you whether the seat is on the right or left side. The number l tells you what section and m is a specific seat in that section. Read the text aloud
Theater analogy for the quantum states of the atom
Like the seats in our imaginary auditorium, every quantum state in the atom is identified by a unique combination of the four quantum numbers. The orbital angular momentum quantum number, l, can only be a positive integer from zero to n − 1. For example, if n = 1, the only possibility is l = 0. If n = 2, then l can be 0 or 1. The magnetic quantum number, m, is an integer that can go from −l to +l. For example, if l = 2, then m can have any of five values between −2 and +2: m = −2, −1, 0, 1, or 2. The last quantum number, s, is the electron spin angular momentum. An electron can have only one of two different spin states, up (+½) or down (−½). Read the text aloud
Spacial shapes of electron orbitals
All the electrons in the atom are attracted to the nucleus but repelled from each other. This dance of attraction and repulsion creates complex three-dimensional shapes for each electron “orbital.” The orbital angular momentum and magnetic quantum numbers determine the spatial shape. When l = 0 the orbital is spherically symmetric. When l = 1 there are three perpendicular states along each of the coordinate axes. The l = 0, 1, 2, and 3 states correspond to the s, p, d, and f orbital notation in chemistry.
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