Chapter study guide

If we were points confined to a straight line along a single coordinate axis, then distance and speed might suffice to describe all possibilities and there would be no need for vectors. Fortunately, the universe is three dimensional and much more interesting. Vectors are a fundamental part of the language of physics because they allow us to describe three-dimensional behavior. This chapter describes how to use vectors, add and subtract vectors, and solve problems with vectors. Position and displacement are vectors that describe location and changes in location. Velocity and acceleration vectors describe motion. The force vector describes the three-dimensional character of forces. Vectors are useful in solving many real-world problems, such as projectile motion of a soccer ball kicked through the air, motion of a car rolling down a ramp, and control of a robot maneuvering through a maze.

By the end of this chapter you should be able to
find the magnitude and components of a force, displacement, velocity, or acceleration vector;
represent and perform calculations with force, displacement, velocity, or acceleration vectors in Cartesian and polar forms;
convert between Cartesian and polar vectors;
find the resultant of two or more vectors both graphically and by components;
apply the technique of breaking down a two- or three-dimensional problem into separate one-dimensional problems; and
solve two-dimensional motion problems, including projectile motion and motion down a ramp.

6A: Vector navigation
6B: Projectile motion
6C: Acceleration on an inclined plane
6D: Graphing motion on an inclined plane

168Force vectors
169Resultant vector
171Finding component forces
172Adding and subtracting component vectors
173Finding magnitude and angle
174Net force and free-body diagrams
175Section 1 review
176Displacement, velocity, and acceleration
177Coordinate systems
1786A: Vector navigation
179Velocity vector
180Resolving component velocities
181Adding velocities
182Acceleration vector
183Section 2 review
184Projectile motion and inclined planes
185Equations of projectile motion
1866B: Projectile motion
187Graphing projectile motion
188Range of a projectile
189Solving projectile problems
1906C: Acceleration on an inclined plane
191Motion on an inclined plane
192Forces along a ramp
1936D: Graphing motion on an inclined plane
194Friction on an inclined plane
195Designing the ErgoBot
196Navigational precision
197Section 3 review
198Chapter review
F =( F x , F y , F z )
F x =Fcosθ F y =Fsinθ
F= F x 2 + F y 2
θ= tan 1 ( F y F x )
a = Δ v Δt
x= v x0 t v x = v x0
y= v y0 t 1 2 g t 2 v y = v y0 gt
a ramp =( h L )g
a x =g(sinθ μ r cosθ)
vectorvector diagrammagnitudescalar
resultant vectorcomponent forcecomponentresolution of forces
sinecosinetangentradian (rad)
displacementpolar coordinatesCartesian coordinatescompass
projectilerangeinclined planeramp coordinates

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