Chapter 6 review

    Match each word to the sentence where it best fits.
      Section 6.1

      resultant vector resolution of forces
      cosine tangent
      sine component force
      magnitude component
      1. ________ is the ratio of the adjacent side over the hypotenuse.

      2. The process of breaking a force down into its components is called ___________.

      3. The _______ of a force vector is its strength in newtons.

      4. The _______ differs from the sine and cosine because it does not depend on the hypotenuse of a right triangle.

      5. The ________ is the single vector that is the sum of two or more vectors.

      6. The part of a force that lies on the x-axis is a ______

      7. _______ is most useful to solve for the vertical component of a force.

      8. For the vector (6,2) N, two newtons is the _______ in the y-direction.

      Section 6.2

      polar coordinates displacement
      velocity compass
      acceleration speed
      Cartesian coordinates 
      1. A ship’s navigator would use a/an ________ to determine a direction when plotting a course.

      2. In the expression v0 cos θ, the variable v0 is the ________.

      3. The average _______ vector is the change in velocity divided by the change in time.

      4. A force that is described as 50 N at 30° is an example of a vector in ________.

      5. The average ___________ vector is calculated by dividing the displacement by the time.

      6. A change from one position vector to another is called a/an _________.

      1. A force that is 12 N in the x-direction and 6 N in the y-direction is an example of using _______ to describe the vector.

      Section 6.3

      projectile range
      trajectory ramp coordinates
      inclined plane 
      1. A/An __________ is a moving body traveling only under the influence of gravity.

      2. An example of ________ would be the horizontal distance a soccer ball moves between being kicked and touching the ground again.

      3. Another term for ramp is _______.

      4. A kicked soccer ball follows a parabolic path called its _______.

      5. _______ is the rotated reference frame where the x-direction is along the surface of an inclined plane.

      Conceptual questions
        Section 6.1
        1. Is it possible for a single 100 N force to have zero effect in the x-direction? If so, then describe how this might be possible.

        2. Is it possible for three forces to have a resultant of zero even if all three forces have different magnitudes? If so, then explain or sketch how this might be possible.

        3. What is the sin-1(sin30º)?

        4. Which of these vectors represent 2 N, 4 N, and 8 N?
        5. Which of the three vector diagrams would best represent force of 2 N, 4 N, and 8 N?

        6. Which of these vectors does NOT show vector addition correctly?
        7. Which of the three diagrams above does not correctly show the addition of the two vectors on a vector diagram.

        8. Easy Describe how to transform a force that is in xy components into a force of the same magnitude and opposite direction.

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