Chapter 6 review

    Quantitative problems
      Section 6.2
      1. You go 3 m east and 4 m north in 5 s. Your friend goes 5 m at a 36.9° angle east of north in 5 s. Who has the greater average speed? Who has the greater average velocity?

      2. Easy How far have you walked from your starting position if you walk 12 m north, then 18 m east, then 9 m west?

      3. Easy How far east have you traveled if you ran 80 m directly northeast?

      4. Easy What is the magnitude of your acceleration if your horizontal velocity changes from 10 to 13 m/s and your vertical velocity changes from 2 to 6 m/s in 4 s?

      5. Boat traveling with a crosscurrent
      6. Easy A boat is traveling at 4 m/s north relative to the water on a river that is flowing east at 2 m/s.
        1. What is the boat’s velocity relative to the land?
        2. How far downstream does the boat drift in 10 s?
        3. How long does it take the boat to move 100 m across the river?

      7. Easy How long does it take a car traveling 18 m/s at a 40° angle west of north to go 900 m west?

      8. Easy What is the velocity of a bike with components of 8 m/s west and 15 m/s north?

      9. Easy At what angle is your displacement after going 9 miles east and 15 miles north?

      10. Easy What are the components of a 20 m/s velocity that is directed 10° above the horizontal?

      11. Easy Your friend’s house is 4 miles away to the east and 7 miles away to the south. If you run there in a direct line, what angle does your velocity vector make relative to a line pointing straight east?

      12. Easy John, at third base, throws a ball to Sam, who is at second base 90 ft away. Sam then throws it to Mike, who is at first base 90 ft away. What is the ball’s displacement?

      13. Easy If a marathon (26.2 miles) follows a straight course and the winner goes 12 miles north during the race, how far west did he travel?

        What is the height of the tree?
      1. Easy You are in the woods and use a plumb bob to determine that your line of sight to the top of a tall tree is 35º. How tall is the tree if it is 86 m away from you?

      2. Easy If a compass reads a heading of 74°, what angle does this direction make with the east (x-axis)?

      3. Easy A spacecraft making a course correction has a velocity of v = (100, 300, 100) m/s. The spacecraft turns on its engines to create an acceleration of a = (2, 5, 5) m/s2 for 5 s. What is the velocity vector of the spacecraft after the engine burn?

      4. Angle and velocity for a bird in flight
      5. Medium A bird is flying at a velocity of 20 m/s in a direction 60º north of east.
        1. Calculate the bird’s velocity vector in component form.
        2. How long does the bird have to fly to get 100 km north?
        3. How far east has the bird traveled during this time?

      6. Medium How much does your speed change if you start moving at (2, 4) m/s and have an acceleration of 4 m/s2 in the north direction for 8 s?

      7. Medium What are the components of your velocity if you started at 10 m/s southwest and then accelerated west at 3 m/s2 for 2 s?

      8. Medium A swimmer can swim 3 m/s in still water and heads directly to the opposite bank of a 30 m wide river. How far downstream will he be pushed by a perpendicular 2 m/s current?

      9. What is the combined displacement of these two vectors?
      10. Medium Calculate the x- and y-components of the two displacements shown and the resultant in component form.

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