- What are some advantages of tabulating data over listing them in a single line?
- Two lab partners were trying to decide what to do with a piece of paper that got some biowaste on it during a classroom investigation. Zareb thinks it is hazardous waste, so it should go into the biowaste bin. Doreen, however, thinks it should go into the paper recycling bin. Who is right?
- When might a pie chart be a better choice than a line graph?
Chaia’s family installed rain barrels to collect the rain water from the gutters of their house, in order to use the water at a later date to irrigate their vegetable garden. Is this a good idea?
Brendan’s family was deciding how to dispose of a bottle of unused, liquid medicine. The container was plastic, and water was listed on the label as the largest ingredient by mass. How should the bottle be disposed of?
The smallest gradations on Mensah’s meter rule are in millimeters. Which of the following are not appropriate measurements made with his measuring instrument? 0.767 m, 0.0095 m, 7.9 cm, 23.55 cm, 2.61 cm, 308 mm, 61.3 mm, 8.5 mm, 1.75×101 cm, and 6.0 mm
Construction workers are creating 100 miles of new highway. When they measure the mile markers, they accidentally space them one kilometer apart. (1 kilometer = 0.621 miles)
- What are the effects of the uncertainty resulting from their error?
- After placing the 100th mile marker sign, how far is their sign from where the 100th mile marker should have been placed?
- What physical quantity, and what value for it, are implied when a physics problem says that a vehicle “starts from rest”?
- After school for a week, Anthony measured the speed one particular species of ants moved and compared that to the ambient air temperature that day. In his investigation, what are the dependent, independent, and controlled variables?
- Efi measured her height every 60 s for an hour and then plotted her height against time. Since her height did not change, is the value of the slope of her graph positive, negative, or zero?
| | - In an investigation, Graciela measured the time a particular toy car took to reach the bottom of a ramp for different starting heights above the floor. What are the dependent, independent, and controlled variables in her investigation?
- Can an equation be a model? Why or why not?
- If a physics questions asks, “how long does it take,” then what quantity are you asked to solve for?
- A ball, starting from rest, rolls down a hill. It gains speed all along the way. In the graph of speed versus time, is the slope positive, negative, or zero?
- Ask five other members of your classroom for their height, age, and favorite number. Create a table to record their answers.
- What conversion factor would you use to convert from inches to centimeters? From centimeters to inches?
- What conversion factor would you use to convert ounces to pounds? Pounds to ounces?
- Use words to express the equation ρ = m/V.
- Shirley has a table of data for the number of Calories in a breakfast cereal that come from carbohydrate, fat, and protein. What kind of chart would be best to present her data?
- In a typical plot of data taken in a laboratory investigation, which variable (dependent or independent) is plotted on the vertical axis? On the horizontal?
- In the equation a = v/r, if a is plotted against v then what will be the shape of the graph? How about if a is plotted against r?
- Which is larger, one cubic yard or one cubic meter?
- What conversion factor would you use to convert from inches to yards? From yards to inches?
- Convert the following sentence into a mathematical equation: “Distance traveled is the product of speed and time.”
Petra was paid for her work on the first day of the month, and then spent $10 each day for the rest of the month. She then graphed the money she had left each day against the day of the month. Is the slope of her graph positive, negative, or zero?