Chapter 2 review

    Match each word to the sentence where it best fits.
      Section 2.1

      matter measurement
      length mass
      surface area volume
      density macroscopic
      microscopic temperature
      scientific notation exponent
      scale inertia
      1. Mass, time, and _______ are three fundamental dimensions of the universe.

      2. The relative size of things is in indicator of their _______.

      3. Protein folding in the cell occurs at _______ scales.

      4. A metal ball sinks in water because the metal’s _______ is higher than that of water.

      5. The celestial bodies of the Solar System are an example of the _______ scale of physics.

      6. A car’s gas tank holds 10 gallons of gasoline, which is a measure of its _______.

      7. Room A is hotter than Room B because the former has a higher _______.

      8. In the expression 8.7×103 kg, the number 3 is the _______ of 10.

      9. A distance of 10 miles is an example of a _______ because it has a value and a unit.

      10. A realtor said that the apartment for rent has 1000 square feet, which is a measurement of its _______.

      11. Expressing a distance as 2.7×1023 m uses _______.

      12. The _______ of the boy is 150 kg.

      Section 2.2

      decimal places significant figures
      accuracy precision
      1. The measurement 0.0789 m has three _______.

      2. A measurement of 0.711 m has lower _______ than a measurement of 0.0063 m.

      3. Samuil’s throws lacked _______, because the water balloons he threw repeatedly missed Veronica.

        Section 2.3

        model dependent variable
        independent variable variable
        conversion factor 
        1. A relationship that connects two or more variables is an example of one kind of a/an _________.

        2. The quantity (39.37 in/1 m) is a/an _______.

        3. In an experiment to measure how much force is required to compress a spring by various lengths, the quantity force is a/an _______.

        4. In an experiment, the height that a ball was raised above the floor was 10, 20, 30, and then 40 cm, while the mass of the ball was always 180 g. The quantity height is a/an _______.

        Conceptual questions
          Section 2.1
          1. A cube and a sphere have the same volume. Which one stands taller when placed on the ground? Why?

          2. Rank the three objects from smallest volume to largest volume. Assume all are solid with no interior voids.
            1. one kilogram of water
            2. one kilogram of wood
            3. one kilogram of aluminum

          3. Give three examples each of fundamental and derived units in the SI.

          4. Is volume a fundamental or derived quantity?

          5. Describe three advantages of the SI over the English system of measurement.

          6. Which has a higher density, a block of foam or a ball of clay?

          7. List the following in order of increasing size.                
            a. baseball        b. virus        c. gold atom
            d. ammonia molecule        e. tadpole        f. Sun-like star

          8. List the following in order of increasing time duration.
            1. adult’s resting heartbeat
            2. one flap of hummingbird’s wings in flight
            3. one full rotation of the Earth
            4. one orbit of Mercury around the Sun
            5. the length of one class period

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