Chapter 21 review

    Standardized test practice
    1. Which of the following is an example of refraction?
      1. light bouncing off a mirror
      2. light passing through a small hole
      3. light passing through a window pane
      4. light heating up a lizard

    2. A material has an index of refraction of 1.82. What is the critical angle of this material when it is surrounded by air?
      1. 1.82°
      2. 24.4°
      3. 33.3°
      4. 45°

    3. A ray of light in air (n = 1.00) enters water (n = 1.33) at an angle of 50°. What is the angle of refraction?
      1. 29°
      2. 35°
      3. 45°
      4. 50°

    4. A light ray shines from a diamond (n = 2.42) into water (n = 1.33), and no refraction occurs. What is the angle of incidence?
      1. 30°
      2. 45°
      3. 60°

    5. A physicist has three mystery materials, A, B, and C. He shines light from one material into another and records which direction the light bends, obtaining the following results:
      • When shining light from A into C, the ray bends away from the normal.
      • When shining light from B into C, the ray bends toward the normal.
      Which of the following correctly orders the three materials from least index of refraction to greatest?
      1. A, B, C
      2. A, C, B
      3. B, C, A
      4. C, A, B

    6. Yvette shines a light through diamond (n = 2.42) so that it strikes an unknown material at an angle of incidence of 39°. All she can observe is whether total internal reflection occurs. Which of the following two materials can she differentiate?
      1. air (n = 1) and acrylic (n = 1.49)
      2. acrylic (n = 1.49) and glass (n = 1.5)
      3. glass (n = 1.5) and amber (n = 1.55)
      4. amber (n = 1.55) and diamond (n = 2.42)

    1. A light ray refracts from glass (n = 1.5) into two different materials with an angle of incidence of 45°. The first material has n = 1.33 and an angle of refraction of 52.9°. The second material has an angle of refraction of 41.5°. What is its index of refraction?
      1. 1.6
      2. 1.4
      3. 1.2
      4. 1.0

    2. A light ray refracts from glass (n = 1.50) into two different materials with an angle of incidence of 45°. The first material has n = 1.33 and an angle of refraction of 52.9°. The second material has an angle of refraction of 49.3°. What is its index of refraction?
      1. 1.6
      2. 1.4
      3. 1.2
      4. 1.0

    3. Which of the following statements about a light ray striking an interface from air to water is the most accurate?
      1. All of the light ray always refracts.
      2. All of the light ray sometimes refracts.
      3. Some of the light ray always refracts.
      4. Some of the light ray sometimes refracts.

    4. Light traveling through an unknown material strikes amber (n = 1.55) at an angle of incidence of 58° and undergoes total internal reflection. Which of the following could be that material?
      1. ice (n = 1.31)
      2. acrylic (n = 1.49)
      3. leaded glass (n = 1.7)
      4. cubic zirconia (n = 2.15)

    5. An object is placed 50 cm away from a lens with a focal length of 30 cm. What are the properties of the resulting image?
      1. real, inverted, and magnified
      2. real, upright, and magnified
      3. virtual, upright, and reduced
      4. virtual, inverted, and magnified

    6. Ami wants to project a real, magnified image of an object onto a screen using a convex lens with a focal length of 20 cm. How far should she place the object from the lens?
      1. 5 cm
      2. 25 cm
      3. 45 cm
      4. 65 cm

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