Investigation 10D: Work done against friction

Essential questionsHow is friction included in models of motion?
The work done against friction reduces the amount of energy available for transformation into other forms. This is a significant way in which real systems are “open.” This investigation explores friction in a typical braking situation in which work done against friction reduces kinetic energy. Read the text aloud
Part 1: Rolling friction

How to conduct parts one and two of the investigation
  1. Set up the ErgoBot in freewheel mode on a level surface and give it a gentle push.
  2. Observe the position, velocity, and acceleration graphs on the computer as the ErgoBot is pushed and as it rolls freely to a stop.
  1. Write an equation expressing conservation of energy for the ErgoBot as it rolls to a stop.
  2. Solve the equation for the coefficient of rolling friction μr.
  3. Calculate μr using the data from your position and velocity graphs.
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In this interactive element, you will capture real-time data from the motion of the ErgoBot and display the data as position versus time, velocity versus time, and/or acceleration versus time graphs.
Part 2: Kinetic friction

  1. Attach a friction block to one end of the ErgoBot with a short string and give it a gentle push.
  2. Observe the graphs for the motion of the ErgoBot and friction block until they come to rest.
  1. Draw separate free-body diagrams representing the ErgoBot and friction block while they slow down.
  2. Write a conservation of energy equation that includes the kinetic energy of the ErgoBot and friction block at the start and the work done against friction.
  3. Solve the equation for the coefficient of sliding friction μk.
  4. Calculate μk using the measured masses and data from your graphs.
  5. Create an equation model to predict the stopping distance.
  6. Add mass to the friction block and predict the stopping distance.
  7. Test your prediction with the ErgoBot, using the same initial velocity as before.
  8. Explain any differences between your prediction and measurement.
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Part 3: Combining the two

ErgoBot rolling and pulling a friction block
  1. Reattach the friction block to the ErgoBot with about 1/2 m of string. Arrange the ErgoBot and block so that the ErgoBot can roll freely before putting tension on the string and moving the block.
  2. Observe the graphs on the computer as the ErgoBot is pushed, rolls freely, catches the friction block, and drags it until both come to rest.
  1. Identify where on the velocity–time graph (i) work is done on the ErgoBot and (ii) the ErgoBot does work on its environment (the friction block and surface).
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