Chapter study guide

Why do cars have crumple zones and airbags? How does rocket propulsion work? How can you predict where two pool balls will go after they collide? These are problems that involve momentum, impulse, and the conservation of momentum. Momentum is a physical description of mass in motion; the higher the mass or velocity of an object, the more momentum it has. The conservation of momentum is a fundamental law of physics—akin to energy conservation—that is essential for understanding collisions, whether between two cars or between two subatomic particles.

By the end of this chapter you should be able to
describe momentum and impulse and solve problems using them;
apply impulse to real-world problems, including situations involving cushioning and impacts;
define momentum conservation and describe applications of it;
use momentum conservation to solve noncollision problems;
distinguish among elastic, inelastic, and perfectly inelastic collisions;
apply momentum conservation to solve collision problems; and
determine whether a collision is elastic using energy arguments.

Design project: Egg drop
11A: Conservation of momentum
11B: Collisions

306Momentum and impulse
307Momentum and inertia
308Impulse and Newton’s second law
309Impulse and momentum
310Design an egg drop container
311Impact forces and cushioning
312Section 1 review
313Conservation of momentum
31411A: Conservation of momentum
315Solving momentum conservation problems
316Rocket propulsion
317Section 2 review
319Inelastic collisions
32011B: Collisions
321Elastic collisions
322Newton’s cradle
323Collisions in two dimensions
324Section 3 review
325Chapter review
p =m v
m 1 v i1 + m 2 v i2 = m 1 v f1 + m 2 v f2
1 2 m 1 v i1 2 + 1 2 m 2 v i2 2 = 1 2 m 1 v f1 2 + 1 2 m 2 v f2 2
momentumimpulselaw of conservation of momentum
collisioninelastic collisionelastic collision

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