Chapter 22 review

    Match each word to the sentence where it best fits.
      Section 22.1

      light electromagnetic wave
      speed of light vacuum
      1. The daytime sky appears blue because of the _______ of blue light by small particles in the Earth’s atmosphere.

      2. The _______ is 3×108 m/s.

      3. A/An _______ is an oscillating electric and magnetic field.

      4. The volume inside a bell jar, when it has been evacuated of all matter, is a/an _______.

      5. Electromagnetic waves are also called _______.

      Section 22.2

      electromagnetic spectrum radiation
      dispersion index of refraction
      spectrum gamma rays
      ultraviolet light infrared radiation
      microwaves radio waves
      1. The mobile phone network transmits information at the wavelength region corresponding to _______.

      2. Sunscreen is important to protect your skin from the damaging effects of _______.

      3. The Sun’s light energy travels to us as electromagnetic _______.

      4. Radio waves, infrared light, ultraviolet light, and x-rays are all part of the _______.

      5. The most energetic form of electromagnetic waves is _______.

      6. The _______ of a material represents how the speed of light within the material differs from the speed of light in a vacuum.

      7. Thermal leaks from houses can be detected using a camera that is sensitive to _______.

      8. The longest wavelength electromagnetic waves are _______.

      1. A triangular glass prism separates white light into its constituent colors through _______.

      2. The _______ of visible light are the colors, wavelengths, and frequencies from red to green to violet.

      Section 22.3

      photon Planck’s constant
      photoelectric effect threshold frequency
      polarization diffraction pattern
      spectrograph quantum physics
      work function optical fibers
      detector pixel
      1. _______ is/are a technology that transmits light and information using a process of total internal reflection.

      2. The _______ is the photon energy needed to liberate an electron from a metal.

      3. The _______ is an experiment that is explained using wave–particle duality.

      4. Light shining on a metal will eject no electrons unless the light exceeds the _______.

      5. The _______ is a scientific instrument that disperses light.

      6. The _______ projected onto a screen shows waves alternately adding and canceling each other.

      7. That light can be considered as an indivisible bundle of energy is a phenomenon of the field of _______.

      8. The image taken by a digital camera might have thousands or millions of individual ______(s).

      9. The value of _______ is 6.63×10−34 J s.

      10. That light comes in discrete packets is the essential concept of the _______ model of light.

      Conceptual questions
        Section 22.1
        1. Which sentence corresponds best to the equation c=fλ  ?
          1. Current equals footage times length.
          2. Velocity of sound equals frequency times amplitude.
          3. Speed of light equals frequency times wavelength.
          4. Speed of light equals frequency divided by wavelength.

        2. In a vacuum, which waves travel fastest, radio, infrared, or ultraviolet?

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