Chapter 17 review

    Match each word to the sentence where it best fits.
      Section 17.1

      electricity electric current
      ampere (A) open circuit
      closed circuit electric circuit
      electrical symbol voltage
      volt (V) battery
      voltmeter potential difference
      short circuit 
      1. Another term for voltage is _______.

      2. The “1.5 V” label on an alkaline battery indicates its _______.

      3. The voltage across a circuit component can be measured using an instrument called a/an _______.

      4. When electricity can flow through a continuous loop it is called a/an _______.

      5. When a break in a wire prevents the flow of electricity, it is called a/an _______.

      6. The unit of measure for voltage is the _______.

      7. Electric current is measured using the unit of _______.

      8. A/An _______ converts chemical energy into electrical energy.

      9. The electronics in a mobile phone is an example of a/an _______.

      10. A drawing of an electrical circuit may contain one or more _______ to show how various circuit components are connected together.

      11. If a wire is connected to bypass elements of a circuit, this is called a/an _______.

      12. _______ is the flow of electric charges through a conductor.

      Section 17.2

      electrical conductor resistance
      resistor ohm (Ω)
      Ohm’s law digital multimeter
      electrical insulator 
      1. The unit of electrical resistance is the _______.

      1. Any electrical device that resists the flow of electric current is a/an _______.

      2. A copper wire is a good example of a/an _______.

      3. Wood and glass are each an example of a/an _______.

      4. An electrical insulator has a very high _______ against the flow of electric current.

      5. The _______ has different settings to measure voltage, current, and resistance.

      6. A statement of _______ is that the current through a resistor is equal to the ratio of the voltage across it and its resistance.

      Section 17.3

      series circuit parallel circuit
      equivalent resistance circuit breaker
      kilowatt-hour (kWh) Kirchhoff’s current law
      Kirchhoff’s voltage law 
      1. When two resistors each have one end connected to the negative terminal of a battery and the other end connected to the positive terminal, then the resistors are connected in a/an _______.

      2. In an electric circuit, you can draw many closed loops and analyze the voltage around each loop by applying _______.

      3. If you connected too many electrical appliances to one outlet, you might trip the _______ in your house.

      4. The power company typically charges by calculating electricity usage using units of the _______.

      5. ________ states that all the current entering a circuit junction must equal the total current leaving that junction.

      6. You can calculate the _______ using the equations for adding resistances in series or parallel.

      7. When two resistors are connected such that the same current must flow through one resistor then the other, they are connected in a/an _______.

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