Chapter 13 review

    Match each word to the sentence where it best fits.
      Section 13.1

      moment of inertia translation
      rotation axis
      revolution linear momentum
      angular momentum rotational inertia
      conservation of angular momentum center of mass
      1. The product of mass and velocity is also called _______.

      2. The motion of a spinning wheel is called _______.

      3. It is important to have your _______ located directly over your feet or you might fall over!

      4. It is hard to stop a spinning carousel because it has a lot of _______.

      5. The central line about which a gyroscope rotates is called its _______ of rotation.

      6. When a spaceship moves from here to there the motion is called _______.

      7. Any object that is spinning or rotating has _______.

      8. _______ holds in the absence of net, external torques.

      9. The rotational analog to mass is _______.

      Section 13.2

      rotational energy precession
      1. A ball rolling downhill possesses _______ while a ball sliding downhill does not.

      2. A horizontally spinning gyroscope slowly spins around a vertical axis in a phenomenon called _______.

      Conceptual questions
        Section 13.1
        1. How does rotational inertia differ from linear inertia?

        2. Compare and contrast rotation and revolution from the point of view of angular motion. Then give an astronomical example of each.

        3. Two objects have the same mass. Must they have the same rotational inertia?

        1. For each of the following, determine whether the motion is rotational or translational. If rotational motion is included, then identify whether it is rotation, revolution, or both.
          1. a car wheel when the car is being driven on the highway
          2. an electric motor lifting a projector screen
          3. a falling rock
          4. a gyroscope on a table
          5. a car wheel when the driver slams on the brakes and the car skids as a result
          6. an orbiting satellite
          7. the Earth in its usual motion

        2. Based on the units of each of the following quantities, determine whether each is a measurement of linear or angular momentum.
          1. 10 kg m/s
          2. 13 kg m2/s
          3. (15 kg/s)(10 m)
          4. (13 kg m)(11 m/s)
          5. (11 m2/s)(5 kg/m)

        3. Write a sentence explaining the relationship between rotational inertia and the moment of inertia. Then write a similar sentence for inertia and mass.

        4. A spinning object is modified so that it doubles its moment of inertia but its angular velocity does not change. What happens to its angular momentum?

        5. If a gyroscope were to fall over, would its angular momentum change?

        6. Two shapes with the same mass, diameter, and rotational speed
        7. The two shapes shown have the same mass, diameter, and rotational speed. Which is true and why?
          1. Both have the same angular inertia because they have the same mass and speed.
          2. The thin wheel has more angular inertia because its mass is concentrated near the axis of rotation.
          3. The thick wheel has more angular inertia because its mass is distributed farther from the axis of rotation.

        8. For each of the following objects undergoing rotational motion, describe where the axis of rotation is.
          1. a planet rotating
          2. a planet revolving
          3. a pencil stood on end and falling over
          4. a spinning top
          5. a satellite orbiting above the equator

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