Section 3 review
The fact that nuclei exist is a manifestation of mass–energy equivalence. A nucleus exists by converting mass into energy, which is in turn used to hold the nucleus together. This energy is stored in the nucleus and can be released when the nucleus is altered. Changes of a nucleus occur via nuclear reactions, which can be represented by nuclear reaction equations. Nuclear reactions that split nuclei or reactions that combine nuclei release energy. Fission is the splitting of a heavy nucleus, whereas fusion occurs when two light nuclei are combined. Commercial nuclear reactors generate energy by fission whereas the Sun generates energy with fusion reactions. Read the text aloud
nuclear reaction, fission, chain reaction, fusion

n 0 1 + N 7 14 Reactants C 6 14 + p 1 1 Products

Review problems and questions

  1. How is mass–energy equivalence related to nuclear fission and fusion? Read the text aloud Show
  1. Distinguish between atomic physics and nuclear physics. Read the text aloud Show
  1. Distinguish between chemical reactions and nuclear reactions. Read the text aloud Show
  1. Balance the following reaction equation by providing the missing product: H 1 2 + H 2 3 e X Z A + H 1 1 Read the text aloud Show
  1. For the reaction  X Z A N 10 22 e+ e 1 0 what is the unknown X Z A ?
    1. N 10 21 e
    2. N 11 22 a
    3. N 10 23 e
    4. M 12 23 g Read the text aloud Show
  1. Determine the name of the unknown element, the atomic number Z, and the atomic mass number A in this nuclear reaction equation:
    n 0 1 + U 92 235 B 56 141 a+ ? Z A +3 n 0 1
    Read the text aloud Show
  1. In this nuclear reaction equation:
    n 0 1 + U 92 235 ? Z A + B 35 87 r+3 n 0 1
    determine the atomic mass number A, atomic number Z, and the name of the unknown element. Read the text aloud Show
  1. Smoke detectors contain radioactive isotope americium-235 and emit alpha particles, yet manufacturers claim that the products are safe. Evaluate the validity of this claim by researching natural exposure levels, medically-recommended limits, or exposure from medical imaging. Show

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