The science of physics has two facets. Physics includes a process of thinking and problem solving that allows us to deduce reliable explanations for how things in the universe work. We can then apply what we know to solve practical problems. Physics is also the collected body of knowledge we have discovered about the universe and its underlying laws. Physics is roughly divided into four major branches. Mechanics deals with forces, objects, and motion and is the most directly observable branch of physics. Energy is the “fuel for change” that both enables changes, by generating forces, and also limits how much change is possible. Another branch of physics deals with waves. Waves are traveling oscillations, including sound and light, that carry both energy and information in the natural world and in technology. Electricity and magnetism is a third branch of physics. Both are phenomena that come from the arrangement and movement of the electric charges that make up matter. The fourth major branch of physics deals with the behavior of atoms themselves. This branch includes the quantum theory, which provides the fundamental explanation for how matter and energy behave on extremely small scales.
energy, information, matter, force, frequency, wave, atom, quantum physics
Review problems and questions |
- Chemistry, biology, and physics are the sciences most commonly included in the course of studies for secondary students. Which of these sciences is considered the most fundamental? Which is considered the most complex?

Physics is the most fundamental, and biology is the most complex.
- Which of these seemingly separate topics in physics are actually deeply interconnected: electricity, harmonic motion, magnetism, and/or quantum physics?

Electricity and magnetism are two interrelated aspects of the same fundamental phenomenon of electromagnetism.
- Everything you do is done in complete accordance with the laws of physics. Every item of technology you use is based on the principles of physics. There are no exceptions. Think about physics in the context of your own activities and the technologies you use.
- Name two actions you did today and identify three aspects of physics that were directly involved in those actions.
- Name two items of technology you used today and identify three aspects of physics that were directly involved in how those technologies functioned.

Answers will vary. Possible answers:- Walked to school: force of gravity held my feet against the ground; friction between sole of shoe and ground kept my feet from sliding; conversion of chemical energy (food) into kinetic energy (motion).
Read this textbook: electrical energy from bulb overhead lit up page; light reflected off the page to my eye; eye separately detected red, green, and blue light. - Used mobile phone: electronics inside; electromagnetic waves between phone and microwave repeater; electrical energy converted to mechanical vibrations in speaker.
Drove car: converts chemical energy to mechanical energy; spinning axle created torque that propelled the car; car coasted when removed foot from gas pedal (Newton's first law).
- Use each of the following words in two different sentences. The first sentence should use the word with the same meaning it has in physics. The second sentence should use the word differently from its physics meaning. For example, the sentence, “Electricity flows through wires and carries energy,” uses the word electricity with the same meaning as electricity in physics. The sentence, “There was such electricity in the air from the crowd at the concert,” uses the same word to mean excitement, which is a different meaning from physics.
- force
- energy
- magnetic
- wave

Answers will vary. Possible answers:- Jill applied a force to move the box. Jack was so insistent that he was able to force the issue upon everyone else.
- The hydroelectric plant generated enough electrical energy to power an entire city. What is your energy level this morning?
- The opposite poles of two bar magnets exert a magnetic force of attraction on each other. Liz has a magnetic personality.
- The cruise ship created a wave so large that the dinghy was toppled. The president has perfected how to wave to the crowd.
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