Chapter 5 review

    Match each word to the sentence where it best fits.
      Section 5.1

      free-body diagram normal force
      net force center of mass
      equilibrium force
      newton (N) pound (lb)
      1. The _______ is the vector sum of forces acting on an object.

      2. A system is in __________ when there is no change over time in its motion.

      3. The ______ is a force perpendicular to a surface

      4. The supermarket often sells meat and vegetables by the ______, a unit of force often associated with weight.

      5. The force of gravity acting on an object is the _______.

      6. A/An __________ represents the location, magnitude and direction of all forces acting on a single object isolated from its environment.

      7. Weight is a force that acts through the _________ of an object.

      8. An action that may cause the motion of a body to change is called a/an _______.

      Section 5.2

      reaction force friction
      Newton’s first law of motion Newton’s second law of motion
      Newton’s third law of motion 
      1. “To every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction” is a statement of _______.

      2. A force that acts to resist motion is called _______.

      3. A/An _________ occurs when one object exerts a force on another object.

      4. Another name for _______ is the law of inertia.

      5. According to _______, the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force exerted on it.

        Section 5.3

        spring spring constant
        elasticity brittle
        material strength Hooke’s law
        1. A material that can bend easily has a lot of _______.

        2. The _______ measures how stiff a spring is and how much force it takes to deform it.

        3. The ability of an object to sustain force without breaking is described by its _______.

        4. A/An _______ is a device that can store energy when it is deformed.

        5. A material that, when bent even just a little, will break is very _______.

        6. The restoring force of a spring is proportional to the distance it is compressed or extended is _______.

        Section 5.4

        sliding friction coefficient of rolling friction
        static friction coefficient of static friction
        coefficient of kinetic friction coefficient of kinetic friction
        rolling friction lubrication
        viscosity drag coefficient
        1. _______ is the friction force that occurs when two surfaces are in rolling contact.

        2. In order to reduce the friction among moving parts in the engine of a car, _______ is used.

        3. _________ is a frictional force between two objects that are not moving relative to one another.

        4. The force of ______ opposes the motion of objects in motion.

        5. The ratio of the rolling friction force to the normal force is the ________.

        6. An airfoil has a smaller _______ than a cube, which is one reason why an airfoil is used for vehicles that are designed to operate at high speeds.

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