Chapter 3 review

    Conceptual questions
      Section 3.2
        Which figure shows a driver getting stuck in the mud?
      1. Challenging Which figure shows a driver getting stuck in the mud?

      Section 3.3
      1. The equation d = vt is applied to calculate the distance when time is given in seconds. If the speed is in units of centimeters per second, then what units will the calculated distance have?

      2. Write down three forms of the equation that relates speed, distance, and time. Each form should solve for a different variable.

      3. Which of the following equations best matches the meaning of the following sentence?
             “The sum of two numbers is divided by 23.”
        1. (a + b)/23
        2. 23(a + b)
        3. a + b − 23
        4. 23/(a + b)

      4. Easy If a2 = b2 + c2 then what is c in terms of a and b?

      5. Easy As a solution to a physics problem, a student derived an equation for the distance traveled by a ball as d = 7t2. Is this a reasonable answer? Why or why not?

      6. Medium A problem is given with three variables, a, b, and c. The relationships between the variables are
        a = b + c
        b = 2c
        Is it possible to calculate a value for a with the information given? Why or why not?

      1. Medium A = BC2 and A = DE.
        1. Given B, C, and E, solve for D.
        2. Given B, D, and E, solve for C.

      Quantitative problems
        Section 3.1
        1. You need to do a series of calculations involving the motion of an object. Another student hands you predefined parameters of the problem; you see that she has defined xi = −53.4 m and xf = 71.6 m. How might you redefine the problem so as to make it easier to solve?

        2. Easy Trixie is driving laps at a racetrack. The track is circular and has a radius of 25 m. After completing 2 full laps, what is Trixie’s displacement relative to her starting position?

        3. Easy You walk 10 miles north, 20 miles south, and 5 miles north. Taking north to be the positive y direction, define a position vector that describes your position on the y axis.

        4. Medium Two robots compete in a game of tug-of-war. The orange robot first loses ground, until x = −12 m, then gains it until x = 42 m when the blue robot loses its grip. In order to win, the total displacement of a robot must be 50 m or more. Did the orange robot win the round?

        5. Which figure shows the difference between the two vectors?
        6. Medium Vector X = (3, 4) and vector Y = (−7, 1). Which diagram shows YX?

        7. Medium Starting at xi = –5 m, you walk right 10 m and then left for 3 m. Your final position is xf. Taking right to be the positive x direction, describe a displacement vector dt that characterizes the total change in position.

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