Chapter 15 review

    Match each word to the sentence where it best fits.
      Section 15.1

      wave wavelength
      transverse polarization
      1. The distance measured from the top of one wave to the top of the next wave is called the _______.

      2. A wave that oscillates up and down has a different _______ from a wave that oscillates left and right.

      3. Sound, light, and the motion of water can all be thought of as a _______.

      4. When a long rope is oscillated sideways, the wave created along it is a _______ wave.

      5. Oscillations in ______ waves, such as sound waves, are parallel to the direction the wave travels.

      Section 15.2

      crest trough
      wavefront reflection
      diffraction absorption
      1. The lowest part of a wave is called its _______.

      2. Waves undergoing _______ through a narrow opening will change their direction and the shape of their wavefronts.

      3. A wave that is passing into a medium, thereby decreasing the wave’s amplitude (and energy), is undergoing _______.

      4. The top of a wave is also called its _______.

      5. Waves bounce off of an obstruction in _______.

      6. When a stone is dropped in a pond, the waves that travel outward from it have a circular _______.

      7. A wave that changes speed and direction as it passes through a boundary between two regions is undergoing ___________ .

        Section 15.3

        phase superposition principle
        constructive interference destructive interference
        node mode
        standing wave antinode
        1. Noise-canceling headphones take advantage of the _______ of waves to reduce or eliminate repetitious sounds from the surrounding area.

        2. For a standing wave on a string, the location of no movement is the _______.

        3. An “A” string can vibrate in one _______ at 440 Hz or another _______ at 880 Hz.

        4. Two water waves that add together to make a larger wave is an example of _______.

        5. The amplitudes of waves add together according to the _______.

        6. Two waves of the same frequency, wavelength, and amplitude can interfere with each other destructively if they have a different _______.

        7. Two identical waves traveling in opposite directions on a string can create a/an _______.

        8. On a standing wave, a/an _______ is a point where the oscillations of the medium have their greatest possible amplitude.

        Conceptual questions
          Section 15.1
          1. Draw two waves, one with a longer wavelength than the other.

          2. Draw two waves, one with a larger amplitude than the other.

          3. Draw two waves, one with a longer period than the other.

          4. If the frequency of a wave is tripled, what happens to the period of the wave?

          5. A sound wave with a frequency of 343 Hz has a wavelength of 1.0 m. If the frequency is doubled to 686 Hz, what is the new wavelength?

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