Section 3 review
When you stretch a spring, it pulls back on you; when you compress a spring, it pushes back. Moreover, the force exerted by the spring is generally proportional to the distance you push or pull it. This relationship is known as Hooke’s law. The strength of a spring is quantified by its spring constant k. A three-dimensional solid, such as a tabletop, sags under the weight of a load until a spring-like force opposes the weight. In general, the sag distance is proportional to the force applied by the load. Brittle objects crack or disintegrate after bending a very small amount, whereas elastic objects can be bent or stretched by large amounts without breaking. Read the text aloud
spring constant, spring, Hooke’s law, elasticity, brittle, material strength


Review problems and questions

  1. Is the force F in Hooke’s law (F = −kx) the force applied to the spring by an outside agent, such as your hand? Read the text aloud Show
  1. What is the physical significance of the negative (minus) sign in Hooke’s law? Read the text aloud Show
  1. Which of the following is a physically possible unit for the spring constant k? (More than one answer may be correct, and correct answers do not have to be in SI or metric units.)
    1. meters per second squared (m/s2)
    2. pounds per inch (lb/in)
    3. newtons per millimeter (N/mm)
    4. meters per newton (m/N) Read the text aloud Show
Chloe's investigation design and data
  1. Chloe suspends a spring from a secure laboratory stand. Then, one by one, she attaches different metal objects to the spring. Each time, she measures and plots the metal object’s weight mg (in newtons) and the spring’s displacement x (in centimeters). She then plots her data as shown here. What is the spring constant k for her spring (in SI units)? Read the text aloud Show

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