Chapter 15 review

    Standardized test practice
    1. Which waves have the most energy?
      1. low frequency, small amplitude
      2. high frequency, small amplitude
      3. low frequency, large amplitude
      4. high frequency, large amplitude

    2. You and a friend create a standing wave with a rope. You both hold your hands still. In total, there are 5 nodes in this wave. How many antinodes are there?
      1. 3
      2. 4
      3. 5
      4. 6

    3. A sound wave has a frequency of 500 Hz. What is the period of this wave?
      1. 2×10−3 s
      2. 1 s
      3. 5 s
      4. 5×102 s

    4. Which of the following terms are used to describe waves?
      1. wavelength
      2. mass
      3. velocity
      4. force
      5. amplitude

      1. I and II only
      2. III, IV, and V only
      3. I and III only
      4. I, III, and V only
      5. all of the above

    5. Which of the following is an example of a longitudinal wave?
      1. a plucked guitar string
      2. sound from a tractor
      3. a long spring when one end is moved side to side
      4. an airplane traveling north to south through Greenwich, England

    6. An ocean buoy moves up and down once every 4 s because of passing water waves. What is the wavelength of the waves if their speed is 3 m/s?
      1. 0.75 m
      2. 1.33 m
      3. 7 m
      4. 12 m

    1. When two waves overlap each other such that the combined amplitude is smaller than the amplitude of either wave, this is an example of
      1. constructive interference.
      2. destructive interference.
      3. diffractive interference.
      4. rarefactive interference.

    2. What light–boundary interaction do eyeglasses use to correct vision?
      1. reflection
      2. refraction
      3. absorption
      4. diffraction

    3. Two sound waves combine to create a wave with greater amplitude than either of them individually. What is this an example of?
      1. damping
      2. destructive interference
      3. wave–boundary interaction
      4. constructive interference

    4. Which is not an example of wave phenomena at a boundary?
      1. Light is reflected off the surface of a mirror.
      2. Light is refracted into a rainbow by passing through a glass prism.
      3. Water waves are diffracted by passing through a small hole.
      4. Sound waves travel through the air.

    5. A sound wave has an amplitude of 10 mm and a speed of 343 m/s. Which of the following could be the period of this wave?
      1. 500 Hz
      2. 10 m
      3. 0.1 m−1
      4. 15 s

    6. An electromagnetic wave traveling at 3×108 m/s has a 3 m wavelength. What is the frequency of this wave?
      1. 100 MHz
      2. 10 GHz
      3. 10,000,000 Hz
      4. 100 μHz

    7. If a wave in the ocean has a frequency of 143 Hz and a wavelength of 2 m, what is the speed of this wave?
      1. 71.5 m/s
      2. 145 m/s
      3. 286 m/s
      4. 1,430 m/s

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