Chapter 24 review

    Standardized test practice
    1. Two objects in thermal contact with each other can be said to be in thermal equilibrium if
      1. they contain identical amounts of thermal energy.
      2. they have identical temperatures.
      3. they have identical masses.
      4. they have identical specific heats.

    2. Two rocks at different temperatures added to containers of water
    3. You have two identical containers, each holding 250 mL of water at 25°C. You also have two identical rocks, except that Rock A is at 50°C and Rock B is at 80°C. (The rocks have the same masses, compositions, sizes, and shapes.) You put one rock into each of the water cups at the same time. Which one of the following statements is true?
      1. Rocks A and B will lose thermal energy at the same rate.
      2. Rock A will lose thermal energy faster than Rock B.
      3. Rock B will lose thermal energy faster than Rock A.
      4. You cannot choose among A, B, or C without more information.

    4. Which of the following processes requires a physical medium (a solid, liquid, or gas) to transfer thermal energy from one object to another?
      1. conduction, convection, and radiation
      2. conduction and convection, but not radiation
      3. conduction only
      4. None of these requires a physical medium.

    5. A 300 g rock at 20°C is completely immersed in 800 g of water at 40°C. Which one of the following statements is true right after the rock goes in?
      1. The rock and the water give each other thermal energy, but the rock gives more than it gets.
      2. The rock gives the water thermal energy and gets no thermal energy in return.
      3. The rock and the water give each other thermal energy, but the water gives more than it gets.
      4. The water gives the rock thermal energy and gets no thermal energy in return.

    1. A planet in a stable orbit maintains a balance between the sunlight energy it absorbs and the infrared energy it emits. Suppose that our Earth were replaced with a new Earth that had twice the surface area but was otherwise identical. Which one of the following statements would be true?
      1. The big Earth would capture twice as much sunlight as the small Earth, so it would be hotter.
      2. The big Earth would give off twice as much thermal radiation as the small Earth, so it would be cooler.
      3. The big Earth would capture twice as much sunlight but also give off twice as much infrared light, so its temperature would be the same.
      4. The big Earth would capture twice as much sunlight but give off four times as much infrared light, so it would be cooler.

    2. For a student’s written report on Investigation 24A, which of the following statements is best in using a formal style and objective tone?
      1. I checked out what happened when the windows were big, and the results weren’t so good.
      2. The building lost tons of heat when I made the windows too large.
      3. The heat losses from the building were largest when the windows were very large.
      4. It was stupid of me to make the windows so large.

    3. Adult humans emit about 1,000 W of thermal energy in the form of radiation (mostly as infrared light). But they only have to generate one-tenth of that amount (that is, roughly 100 W) by digesting the food they eat. Why?
      1. Their clothes keep the rest of their body heat in.
      2. They get the rest from sleeping and exercising.
      3. Physics doesn’t apply to human beings.
      4. Their environment transfers roughly 900 W of thermal energy back to them (in the form of ever-so-slightly cooler infrared light).

    4. One implication of global warming is the hypothesis that many glaciers should, at least in part, melt. In your analysis, which observation would not be evidence in support of this hypothesis?
      1. The surface area of a glacier reduced over time.
      2. The thickness of a glacier reduced over time.
      3. The salinity of a glacier reduced over time.
      4. The mass of a glacier reduced over time.

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