Chapter 12 review

    Quantitative problems
      Section 12.2
      1. Louise kicks a 10 N soccer ball up a hill. It rolls over the top of the hill, which is elevated 20 m above the ground she is standing on, and comes to a stop halfway down the other side of the hill where there is a wall. That wall’s elevation is 10 m below the top of the hill.
        1. If she kicks with 400 J of energy, what is the efficiency?
        2. How can she kick the ball to improve her efficiency?
        3. If she does so, what is the maximum efficiency she can achieve?

      2. A set of pulleys has a mechanical advantage of 1.5 and an ideal mechanical advantage of 2. If you wish to lift a 30 N weight by 10 m, how far do you have to pull and how hard?

      3. Jared lifts a 100 N mass by 10 m. He does so using a wheel and axle, providing an input force of 10 N and turning the wheel for 200 m.
        1. What is the mechanical advantage?
        2. What is the ideal mechanical advantage?
        3. What is the efficiency?

      4. An engine is attached to a set of gears with a gear ratio of two. Those gears drive an axle, which is connected to wheels. The ratio between the wheels’ radius and the axle’s radius is 10.
        1. The engine provides 100 N m of torque. How much torque do the wheels provide?
        2. The engine provides 50 N of force. How much force do the wheels provide?
        3. Use your answers to a and b to calculate the radius of the wheels.

      5. Larissa and Kasey built a block-and-tackle assembly to lift a 15 kg box. They had to pull their end of the rope with an input force of 120 N. Furthermore, they moved their end a distance of 3.0 m to lift the box 150 cm. What was the efficiency of the block-and-tackle assembly?

      6. Gears A, B, and C have 10, 20, and 30 teeth, respectively.
        1. If A is the input and B is the output, what is the gear ratio?
        2. If A is the input and C is the output, what is the gear ratio?
        3. If B is the input and A is the output, what is the mechanical advantage?
        4. If B is the input and C is the output, what is the mechanical advantage?

        Section 12.3
        1. You place an ErgoBot with a mass of 460 g on a ramp that is 3.4 m long and 0.8 m high.
          1. What is the mechanical advantage of this ramp?
          2. Draw a free-body force diagram of the ErgoBot.
          3. Using your diagram, calculate the force it would take to push the ErgoBot up the ramp it is placed on.
          4. What direction is the ErgoBot most likely to travel once you let it go? Use your free-body diagram to help you answer.

        2. A man is pushing his 75 kg dresser into a moving van up a ramp with a force of 175 N. The ramp is 5.7 m long and 1.1 m high.
          1. Draw a free-body diagram of the dresser.
          2. Assuming there is no friction, how much force does the man have to apply to keep the dresser from slipping down the ramp?
          3. What is the acceleration of the dresser when the man pushes with a force of 175 N? Does the dresser move up or down the ramp? Use your free-body diagram to help you answer.
          4. What is the mechanical advantage of the ramp?

        Section 12.4
        1. Easy On your computer, use the interactive simulation of a wind turbine on page 355 to calculate the difference in cost per kWh (ten-year average) between a 120 m high, 80 m diameter turbine in 8 m/s average wind speed that is located in a rural versus urban site. What about the sites makes the costs different?

        2. Easy The ancient Greek crane shown on page 350 has a block and tackle with a mechanical advantage of three and a winch (wheel-and-axle assembly) with a mechanical advantage of six. Which one of the following changes would most increase the MA of the entire crane?
          1. Increase the radius of the winch handle from 30 cm (0.3 m) to 45 cm (0.5 m).
          2. Decrease the radius of the winch axle from 5 cm (0.05 m) to 2.5 cm (0.025 m).
          3. Replace the block and tackle with one that supports the load with four strands instead of three.
          4. Replace the block and tackle with one that supports the load with five strands instead of three.

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