| Essential questions | | How does a ramp change the force required to move an object uphill? | |
When the Egyptians built their massive pyramids, they faced the engineering challenge of how to lift the heavy stone blocks vertically into position. The Egyptians may have moved the blocks up ramps (or inclined planes) constructed along the side of the pyramid. How would using a ramp make their job easier? In this investigation you will measure the force required to move the ErgoBot up a ramp to a height of 30 cm. How does the force vary? How about the work done?
Force and work required to move the ErgoBot up a ramp
- Set up the ErgoBot on the inclined ramp at an inclination angle of at least 20°.
- Attach the ErgoBot and spring scale to the two ends of a piece of string.
- Using a piece of tape, mark a location on the ramp 30 cm vertically higher than the starting position of the ErgoBot.
- Measure the force F required to move the ErgoBot slowly to the final position. Measure the distance the ErgoBot traveled along the ramp.
- Repeat for at least two other inclinations of the ramp. Tabulate your results.
- Measure the mass of the ErgoBot using a measuring scale or triple beam balance.
- Is more force needed to move an object up a steep ramp or a shallow ramp?
- Using the force applied and the distance moved, calculate the work done on the ErgoBot to move it in each case. Explain your results.
- How can you calculate the mechanical advantage of the ramp using the values in your investigation?
- Calculate the mechanical advantage for each inclination of the ramp and include the results in your table.
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