Section 1 review
Harmonic motion repeats in identical patterns called cycles. An oscillator, such as a pendulum, is a system that features repeating cycles. The period of an oscillator is the time to complete one full cycle. The frequency is the number of cycles per second. The amplitude of an oscillation is the maximum displacement from equilibrium. Read the text aloud
oscillator, cycle, period, frequency, hertz (Hz), amplitude, damping, phase

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Review problems and questions

  1. The Earth exhibits several different types of harmonic motion. Describe at least three examples of harmonic motions associated with our planet. Read the text aloud Show
  1. A swing is observed to move back and forth 12 times in 30 s.
    1. What is the period of the motion?
    2. What is the frequency of the motion? Read the text aloud Show
Position versus time plot for an oscillating mass on a pendulum
  1. Determine the following information from the graph above.
    1. How many cycles occur in 10 s?
    2. What is the amplitude of the motion?
    3. What are the period and frequency of the motion? Read the text aloud Show
  1. Systems undergoing harmonic motion contain energy that oscillates between different forms. What forms of energy are changing in the systems described below?
    1. a simple pendulum
    2. a mass on a spring that is sliding on a frictionless, horizontal surface Read the text aloud Show
  1. A simple pendulum and a mass on a spring are both moving in simple harmonic motion. In which of these systems does the period of the harmonic motion depend on mass? On amplitude? Read the text aloud Show
  1. If an oscillator has a frequency of 60 Hz, how many complete oscillations take place in 2 s? Read the text aloud Show
  1. A quartz crystal in a watch has a period of 0.00350 s. What is its frequency in hertz? Read the text aloud Show

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