Section 4 review
Electric potential energy refers to the energy stored in a charged particle when you move that particle into a particular location. Electric potential is the electric potential energy per unit charge, and it has units of volts (one volt being one joule per coulomb). Equipotential lines trace regions of equal electric potential, much as contour lines trace regions of equal elevation on topographic maps. A capacitor is an electrical component that can store a certain amount of electric charge per volt applied to it; the amount of stored charge is proportional to the applied voltage and the capacitance. Read the text aloud
electric potential, equipotential, electric potential energy, capacitor, capacitance

V= E p q
V= k e q r
E p = k e q 1 q 2 r
E p = 1 2 C V 2
C= εA d
C eq = C 1 + C 2
1 C eq = 1 C 1 + 1 C 2

Review problems and questions

Which diagram might match a fully charged 1.5 V battery?
  1. Which of the following diagrams could be applied to a fully charged 1.5 V battery? (More than one selection may be correct.) Read the text aloud Show
Electric force field around a charged particle
  1. Charge 1 (with q1 coulombs) generates the electric field shown here. Charge 2 (with q2 coulombs) is brought to a distance r from Charge 1.
    1. How would doubling q1 affect the electric potential energy Ep?
    2. What about doubling q2?
    3. How about doubling both charge values?
    4. Finally, what about doubling the distance, r?
    5. Read the text aloud Show
Two circuits with capacitors, one in parallel and the other in series
  1. Two circuits are built with identical components, but one has the pair of microfarad capacitors in parallel, while the other has them in series. Which will be able to build up a greater charge? Read the text aloud Show
Electic field lines between parallel charged plates
  1. The positively (top) and negatively (bottom) charged plates of a parallel plate capacitor are shown here, along with the electric field between them. Draw several equipotential lines for the region between the plates. Indicate which has the highest electric potential. Read the text aloud Show

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