Chapter 18 review

    Match each word to the sentence where it best fits.
      Section 18.1

      magnetic permanent magnet
      magnetize magnetic force
      magnetic poles magnetic field
      force field magnetic field lines
      polarity magnetism
      ferromagnetic magnetic domain
      1. Iron is an example of a _______, a nonmagnetic material that can be magnetized by a nearby magnet.

      2. You can _______ paper clips by bringing them close to a magnet.

      3. The Earth has a _______ that causes compass needles to point north.

      4. When visualizing the magnetic force in a diagram, the _______ are drawn in the direction in which the north pole of a test magnet would feel the magnetic force.

      5. A _______ material has both a north and south pole.

      6. The Earth’s _______ are misaligned with geographic north and south.

      7. Labeling the positive end of an electrically charged object, or the north end of a bar magnet, are ways to indicate the _______ of each.

      8. The direction and magnitude of the gravitational force or magnetic force around an object can be visualized with a _______ diagram.

      9. The like poles of two bar magnets exert a _______ of repulsion.

      10. A _______ is found in some paramagnetic materials and consists of a region of atoms that have mutually aligned magnetic field directions.

      11. A bar magnet is an example of a _______.

      Section 18.2

      electric charge static electricity
      electrically neutral electrostatics
      electric force electrostatic induction
      electroscope Coulomb’s law
      coulomb (C) negative charge
      positive charge 
      1. Electric charge is measured in units of the _______.

      1. The proton has a/an _______.

      2. An object that contains 200 C of positive charges and −200 C of negative charges is _______.

      3. Electrons and protons have the same __________, but with opposite sign.

      4. The study of electrical charges at rest is called _______.

      5. The _______ is an instrument used to detect charged objects.

      6. The equation for calculating the electric force between two electric charges is called _______.

      7. _______ is illustrated by bringing an electrically charged object near an electroscope and seeing the foil leaves separate.

      8. The buildup of electric charge on the surface of a balloon is an example of _______.

      9. The electron has a/an _______.

      Section 18.3

      electric field electric field lines
      1. The curved lines with arrows in a diagram visualizing the electric field are called _______.

      2. A positive charge will be surrounded by an _______.

      Section 18.4

      capacitance capacitor
      electric potential equipotential
      electric potential energy 
      1. In a field diagram, two locations that are both at +7.3 V are on the same _______ line.

      2. The unit of _______ is named after Michael Faraday.

      3. Two charged, parallel plates that are separated by a small distance form a/an _______.

      4. Measuring the work required to move two charged objects near each other is equivalent to measuring their _______.

      5. The _______ is the electrical potential energy divided by the charge.

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