Natural frequency of a pendulum

Free-body diagram for a pendulum Consider a pendulum displaced a distance x from center, such that the string makes an angle θ with the vertical. Upon release, it oscillates with amplitude x. The restoring force on the pendulum bob is a component of the gravitational force: F restoring =mgsinθ=mg x L From Newton’s second law we know that the acceleration a is the force divided by the mass. This tells us the maximum acceleration of the pendulum bob: a= F m a max =g x L Read the text aloud
The pendulum bob has zero tangential acceleration at the center, so we approximate the average acceleration a as one half the maximum, or a= gx 2L From the equations for accelerated motion we know that the displacement x is given by x = ½at2 for an object that moves with constant acceleration a starting from rest. If we solve this for the time t we get an estimate of the time it takes the pendulum to move the distance x: x= x 0 + v 0 t+ 1 2 a t 2 t= 2x a t= 2x gx 2L Read the text aloud
Period of oscillation for a pendulum When we simplify the fraction under the square root, the amplitude x cancels out! To get the period of the pendulum, we multiply by four because the pendulum moves approximately 4x in one cycle. We are left with a simple formula that tells us that the period of a pendulum depends only on gravity and the square root of the length of the string! Read the text aloud Show Why doesn’t the amplitude matter?
Estimate:  t period 8 L g Actual solution:  t period =2π L g
In a more advanced physics class, you may derive the period of oscillation for the simple pendulum; if so, you will find that it gives a factor of 2π instead of 8. Nonetheless, the dependence on the square root of L/g is the same. More importantly, the analysis predicts that the period of a pendulum is independent of mass and amplitude, depending only on the square root of the string length, in excellent agreement with observations. Read the text aloud

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