From the authors

<i>Essential Physics</i> We hope you find Essential Physics to be a successful and engaging introduction to the exciting science of physics. As authors, we strove for clarity and completeness in preparing a practical and useful physics course for all students. We drew inspiration and examples from renewable energy, technology, and engineering to connect the science of physics to both nature and the technology of our civilization.
Dr. Tom Hsu teaching the physics of inclined planes with the ErgoBot As teachers ourselves, we place a lot of emphasis on doing physics because physics is useful. If physics is going to help you succeed later, and we know it can, someday you will need to apply what you learn to a new situation. This is why we chose to introduce many new concepts through investigations or other activities before we tell you the “answers” to what is going to happen. Figuring out the physics for yourself is experience that will help you solve the unfamiliar problems of the future.
Many people have strongly held misconceptions about physics, such as what we mean by action/reaction forces or energy conservation. No single course could cover all of physics, so we asked ourselves this: What are the most important concepts that you should understand and use? How could we best teach the correct explanations to replace misconceptions?
Icons in the book for animated images, videos, interactive equations, and interactive simulations Essential Physics is state-of-the-art technology for learning using all the power of multimedia. Technology enhancements sprinkled throughout the electronic book will help you understand difficult or abstract ideas. Some graphics in the “book” are actually videos and many others are silent animations that explain a concept better than any static image could. Many of the lessons use interactive technology, such as simulations and interactive equations. Use these as “trial and error” ways to explore the meaning of an equation for yourself. Other lessons use simulations. These allow you to rapidly try things that would be difficult to do in real life. The investigations use both traditional physics equipment, such as force scales, and high-tech equipment, such as the ErgoBot. Investigations provide direct experience with physics, such as measuring acceleration or the frequency of a sound wave.
To give you the quantitative skills you need for exams, and for real problems, every equation has practice problems and most e-Book pages have “test yourself” assessments at the bottom of the page. Use these to check your understanding. If you don’t get it, then go back and see if you missed a key idea on the page.
The investigations, interactive elements, and lessons were developed simultaneously so they all work together seamlessly as a learning system for mastering physics. We wrote this for everyone who wants to know how this world of ours works. We hope you enjoy it!
Tom Hsu
Manos Chaniotakis
Michael Pahre


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