Fundamental constants and physical data

Table 1: Fundamental constants
Quantity Symbol Value Units
Speed of light in a vacuumc3.00×108m/s
Gravitational constantG6.67×10−11N m2/kg2
Boltzmann’s constantkB1.38×10−23J/K
Stefan–Boltzmann constantσ5.67×10−8W/(m2 K4)
Planck’s constanth6.63×10−34J s
Avogadro’s numberNA6.022×1023mol−1 (or particles/mol)
Gas constantR8.315J/(mol K)
Permittivity of free spaceε08.85×10−12C2/(N m2)
Permeability of free spaceμ04π×10−7T m/A
Mass of the electronme9.11×10−31kg
Mass of the protonmp1.6726×10−27kg
Mass of the neutronmn1.6749×10−27kg
Charge of the electrone−1.60×10−19C
Coulomb’s law constantke8.99×109N m2/C2
Absolute zero0 K−273.15°C
Table 2: Physical data
Quantity Symbol Value Units
Strength of gravity at Earth’s surfaceg9.81m/s2 or N/kg
Speed of sound at 20°C and 1 atmcs343m/s
Standard atmospheric pressureatm1.01×105Pa or N/m2
Table 3: Astronomical data
Quantity Symbol Value Units
Astronomical unit (average Earth–Sun distance)AU1.50×1011m
Average Earth–Moon distance3.84×108m
Radius of the Sunr6.96×108m
Radius of the Earthr6.37×106m
Radius of the Moon1.74×106m
Mass of the Sunm1.99×1030kg
Mass of the Earthm5.98×1024kg
Mass of the Moon7.35×1022kg

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